
KSBRC services are accessible to everyone, not just our members.

We provide model policy templates, training workshops, and links to important data on school spending and student achievement. We ’re also happy to answer questions about K-12 issues.

Model Policy

Our model policies are designed as templates that can be modified to meet the specific needs of individual districts.  The library of model policies is constantly evolving, based on requests from school board members.  Our goal is not to produce policy on every possible topic but to respond to immediate needs.  Let us know if you need a policy that is not listed and we will do our best to collaborate with you.

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Training & Workshops

KSBRC offers individual training for members and group workshops that are open to everyone.  

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Data Links

See reports and resources in one place pulled from the Kansas Department of Education and local school districts. Data not obtained through government websites were obtained in Open Records requests.

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See stories from around the State that mainstream outlets do not cover.

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KSBRC does not engage in election issues but does provide legislative testimony on some education issues.

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